
Equipment inventory

Equipment inventory





SkagerakADCPRDI, Ocean Surveyor 150/600 kHzOcean Current
SveaADCP150 kHz, in drop keel. 
SveaADCP600 kHz, in drop keel. 
SkagerakAUV Launch and Recovery system + control system  
Skagerak, Ocean SurveyorBox corerSediment sampling 
SkagerakCold container laboratory 10ft, temperature-controlled container for experiments and storage 
SkagerakCTDSea-Bird, SBE911 and SBE 32, 24 bottles incl. turbidity, fluorescence, oxygen and PAR 
KBV 181CTDSea-Bird, SBE911 and SBE32, 12 bottles incl. oxygen and PAR. 
SveaCTDCTD with water sampling rosette with sensors for e.g. oxygen and fluorescence. 
ElectraCTDSea-Bird, SBE911 12x5 l, oxygen, turbidity, CDOM, ChlA and PAR 
Ocean SurveyorCTD-probeMeasures conductivity, temperature and density of the water column. 
Ocean SurveyorEcho SounderJena engineering -4H- 
Skagerak, KBV 181FerryboxJena engineering -4H-Salinity, temperature, oxygen, fluorescense, turbidity (phycocyanine + chl-a)
SveaFerryboxSystem for automatic water samplings and continous measurements of water parameters at a depth of about four meters. 
Ocean SurveyorGamma spectrometerDetection of Cesium-137 for determining sedimentation rate. 
Skagerak, KBV 181Gemini corerSediment sampling 
Ocean SurveyorGI-GunSercel 201 airgun. Seismic source system. Requires additional SGU Surveyor 
SkagerakG-Max corerSediment sampling 
Ocean SurveyorG-Max corer1 meter. Soft sediment corer for environmental and geokemical analysis. For x-ray of sediment  
Ocean surveyorGravity corer1 meter, soft sediment corer 
Ocean surveyorGravity corer6 meter, soft sediment sampling sampler  
Skagerak, Electra, Ocean Surveyor Gyro/Motion ReferenceKongsberg MRU 5+ (SeaPath 330+) 
SveaMDM500Centralized storage system for many different types of sensor onboard. 
SveaModel Focus 2Used for echo sounders and can be held at a fixed depth.  
SveaModel TriaxusUsed for CTD profiling and is designed to undulate between 1 and 350 meters. 
SveaMoving Vessel Profiler System for automatic CTD and fluorescence profiles underway. 
SkagerakMulti netHydrobios Multi net, Type Maxi 5 nets, 0.5m2
Skagerak, Electra, Ocean SurveyorMultibeamKongsberg EM 2040 0.4x0.7 degreedual RX/single swath, 200/300/400 kHz with EM16 Hull UnitBathymetry
SveaMultibeam echo sounderEM2040, in drop keel 
SveaMultibeam echo sounderME70, in drop keel 
SveaMultibeam sonarMS70, in drop keel  
Ocean SurveyorMulti-channel streamerGeometrics LH-16 digital 56-channel 175 meter long towed seismic streamer recording system. Requires additional SGU Surveyor 
SkagerakMulticorer x 28 corers system 
Ocean SurveyorOrange Peel Bucket (OPB)Intermediate to course sampling sampler 
Ocean SurveyorParametric sub-bottom profiler Topas 120. Requires additional SGU Surveyor 
SkagerakPlankton netKC Denmark Plankton net, Mesh size 200 μm 
ElectraProfilerWorkhorse Mariner 600 kHz 
SkagerakRIB boatRupert R5, 5.1m x 2.5m; Suzuki 90hp, max 5 people  
SkagerakROVBlue Robotics, BlueROV2, 100 meter depth Video
Ocean SurveyorRTKReal time korrektions from SWEPOS for centimeter precision positioning. 
SveaScientific echo sounderEK80, 10-500 kHz, in drop keel and in ROTV (Focus 2), remotely operated towed vehicle 
SveaScientific work boatAlukin C 750, 8 persons 
KBV 181Sediment scraperSediment sampling 
ElectraSonarMidwater split-beam sonar, EK80, 70kHz/200 kHz 
SveaSonarLong range, low frequency fish finding Sonar. SX90 (20-30 kHz) 
SveaSonarHigh resolution, high frequency fishery sonar SH90 (110-120 kHz) 
Skagerak, ElectraSub-bottom profilerKongsberg Topas PS40 Sedimentary layers
Ocean SurveyorSub-Bottom profilerIxsblue Echos 3500 T3. Requires additional SGU Surveyor 
ElectraSVS (Sound velocity sensor)Valeport MiniSVS 
Ocean SurveyorUnderwater cameraDrop underwater still and video camera system with floodlights, laser scaler, doppler sonar, oxygen sensor. 
Skagerak, Ocean Surveyor, SveaUnderwater positioningKongsberg. Skagerak: 501, Ocean Surveyor: 502 
Ocean SurveyorUnderway SVP cast systemAML 350. Measuers sound velocity and temperature of the water column on the way. 
Ocean Surveyor, KBV 181Van VeenSediment sampling 
Ocean SurveyorVibro corer6 meter, intermediate sediment sampling sampler 
SveaVideo cameraTowed video camera for counting burrows of Norwegian lobster, bottom living animals and habitats  
Svea, KBV 181Weather StationVaisala with sensors for meteorology, radiation, water surface temperature and sea colour.Air temp, air pressure, humidity, wind, PAR
SkagerakWeather StationObservator, Klipp & Zonen Wind speed & direction, Air pressure, temperature, humidity, PAR, Pyranometer