The Swedish fleet of research vessels consists of six advanced ships with modern capabilities to support a broad range of marine research disciplines, from coastal to oceanic locations. Click on the boxes below for more information on each of our vessels. For information on vessel schedules click here. Click here for information on the ship-time funding.

Owned and operated by Stockholm University, RV Electra is a coastal, ice-going, 24m-long vessel equipped with scientific equipment for air, water and sediment sampling and mapping. Electra operates predominantly in the Baltic Sea.

With research activities administered by Umeå University, KBV 181 is a 56m ice-capable Coast Guard vessel with scientific equipment for water and sediment sampling. KBV 181 is used in operations in the Gulf of Bothnia.

Ocean Surveyor is a 38m vessel owned and operated by Geological Survey of Sweden and used for marine geological and environmental surveys. It is predominantly equipped for seafloor surveys in the near-coastal Baltic Sea.

Oden is operated by the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat for scientific operations in the Arctic. Oden supports modular scientific infrastructures that enable flexible scientific capabilities depending on the research requirements.

Owned by the University of Gothenburg, Skagerak is a 49m polar-certified vessel equipped for multidisciplinary marine and atmospheric research and education from the Baltic to Arctic and further afield.

The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences is the owner of RV Svea, a 70m vessel purpose-built for open-sea ecosystem research and other multidisciplinary research areas, with operations predominantly throughout the Baltic Sea.

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